Knapsack Creative Co.

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8 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Your Business

You’ve likely heard, ChatGPT has been taking the internet by storm and for good reasons. Here at Knapsack, we’ve found ways to use it in our everyday work to boost productivity and increase efficiency.

If you’re a business owner, you’re likely on the hunt for tools that can help your team get more done in less time. In this article, we’ll provide some helpful ways you can use ChatGPT to do just that.

What is ChatGPT?

First of all, let’s define ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022. It is designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. Start using it for free here.

Here are some practical ways to use it in your business.

1. To assist with writing blog posts

One of our top recommendations for clients wanting to drive traffic to their site is to have a blog on their website that generates consistent, helpful content to site visitors. It tells Google you’re serious and increases your chances of your site getting found. But it’s a lot of work.

With ChatGPT, we’ve cut the amount of time it takes us to write new blogs in half. Here’s a few tips:

  • Give ChatGPT the blog article idea you’re starting as a prompt

  • Ask it to rewrite it’s response in your desired tone (for us, it’s “friendly” and “casual”)

  • Take that as your first draft then revise and personalize

2. To create marketing materials

Whether you’re in a slow season or not, creating marketing materials is essential for any business, but it can be time-consuming.

Here are a few ideas to kickstart your content and save time:

  • Ask it to provide ideas for what material would be helpful to create (i.e. what would be helpful for a small business owner who is thinking about getting a new website)

  • Give it a recent blog post you wrote and ask it to turn it into a short summary for Instagram and Facebook

  • Similarly, ask it to turn a recent blog post into an email

  • Take a transcript of a helpful video you created and ask it to turn it into a blog post or email

3. To help you update something on your website

If you’re ever stuck or don’t know how to do something, chances are your new companion ChatGPT knows.

Our designers have asked it to write custom CSS, rewrite a headline to be more concise, provide instructions on how to do something in Squarespace (for a client response), and more.

4. To help with administrative tasks

We recently switched email marketing providers and needed to import our email list into the new provider. The problem was the data had first and last names in one column, but we needed it broken out into two columns.

We copied the data from excel and gave it to ChatGPT with instructions. To our surprise, it did it within a few seconds, saving us hours our work!

5. To assist with writing your website copy

We know how tough it can be to write your own website copy. You’re so close to the services, products, and concepts that make up your business and chances are you don’t have lots of free time.

Well, ChatGPT can act as your copywriting sidekick. Here’s a few ideas for prompts:

  • Rewrite this headline to be more concise and clear

  • Rewrite this headline to include beneficial SEO keyword search terms (this ones a game charger!)

  • Take this background on my company and consolidate it to one paragraph, in a professional tone

  • What commonly asked questions do people have when hiring/buying a [insert your service/product], to write your FAQs or inform your copy

6. To write job descriptions for hiring

We recently had ChatGPT assist with writing a job description and it was incredibly helpful, saving us time and effort. Here are a few ideas for prompts:

  • Write a job description for a [insert job position], then tweak and revise

  • What are important qualities of a [insert job position]?

  • What are common responsibilities of a [insert job position]?

7. To write email responses

Stuck on drafting a trickier email response? A few times we’ve copied and pasted the email we’re needing to respond to and asked ChatGPT to come up with a professional response based on our specific rules, values, etc.

It can’t be your virtual assistant (yet), but it can certainly get you started on writing that response you’re stuck on.

8. To help you make informed business decisions

Facing business decisions like which online course platform should I use, what’s the best CRM for my small business, or the differences between all the email marketing providers?

ChatGPT can consolidate and curate information for those business decisions you’re facing. We recently asked it to give us a high-level comparison between MailChimp, MailerLite, and ConvertKit to help us decide which one to switch to.

We hope this was helpful! Drop a comment with the ways you’re using ChatGPT in your business.