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Business Envy: Stop Feeling Jealous of Your Competitors

Have you ever lost a project bid to a competitor and felt that pang of jealousy because you didn’t win it?

Do you sometimes feel insecure when you see work that you feel like is better than yours?

We’ve all been there, and in this post, I want to give you four ways to deal with business envy so you can stop losing sleep and focus on doing your best work.

1. Reach out to your “competitor”

When you get that sinking feeling in your gut, train yourself to do the opposite of your first instinct. Instead of withdrawing or trying to convince yourself that you’re better than them, congratulate them on a job well done.

Reply to their social media post. Or if you have an existing relationship, send an email or a handwritten note. This can help you go from feeling rotten to being genuinely happy for them.

Some of my best business buddies are people I originally perceived as “competitors”. Now we hang out, share knowledge, and support each other in our successes and failures.

Remember – the person on the other side of that perfect brand is more like you than you think. They likely feel insecure too. So reach out and build a relationship.

2. Avoid a scarcity mindset

Sometimes the root of jealousy is the belief that resources are scarce. That there are only so many projects to go around and that if your competitor is too good, no one will hire you.

If you serve small businesses, you’re in luck. There are over 30 million small businesses in the US.

Now more than ever it’s possible to connect and do business with anyone in the US (and the world for that matter).

If you have a good website, marketing plan, and take advantage of technology like video calling, your ability to connect with your potential client base is nearly limitless.

Remind yourself that you couldn’t possibly serve everyone anyway. Different clients have different needs. It’s a good thing that there are other people out there that do what you do well. Clients that don’t fit, you can work with them, and vice versa.

3. Stay humble and learn

When you feel insecure after seeing someone else who does great work, it may be a sign that your identity is wrapped up in “being the best” in your industry.

It’s easier said than done, but try to keep from building your self-worth by comparing yourself to others. If you’re not so proud, it won’t hurt so bad when you fall.

Instead of trying to be the one with all of the answers, be humble. This puts you in a great position to learn. Take notes from what others are doing. Build relationships with them and learn from their successes.

4. Focus on the long game

It’s like my wife tells my kids – “Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. You just focus on doing the right thing.”

If you continue to steadily improve your company and serve your clients well, you’ll be the one that makes other people jealous.

Just remember – they’re people just like you, so reach out and send them a note of encouragement. After all, in the end we’re all in this together.

What do you do when you have feelings of insecurity or jealous of other businesses?